Pain Management: What’s New?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released an update to the pain management guidelines in response to the backlash from the original 2016 release. This presentation will review how these guidelines are formed, what has changed, and why. We...

We Can Do This – Get Vaccinated (Spanish)

Inspire acción y promueva el bienestar con este cartel “Podemos hacer esto: vacunarnos”. Esta herramienta visual está diseñada para alentar a las personas a vacunarse contra el COVID-19. Este recurso está disponible en inglés y español.

We Can Do This – Get Vaccinated

Inspire action and promote wellness with this “We Can Do This – Get Vaccinated” poster. This visual tool is designed to encourage people to get vaccinated against COVID-19. This resource is available in English and Spanish