End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
NETWORK 8 Patient Phone Number: 1-877-936-9260
NETWORK 14 Patient Phone Number: 1-877-886-4435

ESRD Resource Links
COVID-19 Resources
Since 1988, our ESRD Network has provided services on behalf of CMS to both providers and kidney patients. Using the guidance of a multidisciplinary medical review board and patient committees, our staff engages patients and their families with education and patient-led activities.
Featured Resources
ESRD Kidney Transplant Road Map (English)
The Transplant Road Map is a guide and will help patients navigate the transplant process easier.
Method to Assess Treatment Choices for Home Dialysis (MATCH-D)
The MATCH-D tool was designed to sensitize clinicians to key issues about who can use home dialysis. The column in green creates triage criteria for patients who should be home.
Follow Us
To File a Grievance
Network 8
To file a grievance, please contact ESRD Network 8 by phone at 1-877-936-9260, by email at nw8info@allianthealth.org, or by mail at P.O. Box 105337, Atlanta, GA 30348.
Network 14
To file a grievance, please contact ESRD Network 14 by phone at 1-877-886-4435, by email at nw14info@allianthealth.org, or by mail at P.O. Box 105337, Atlanta, GA 30348.