Governance & Compliance

Alliant Health Solutions’ Board of Directors, subsidiaries and staff maintain a commitment to CMS’ standards for compliance with governance guidelines, ethical practices and independence of the board of directors. The Alliant Board of Directors has an established Audit and Compliance Committee to provide oversight of compliance activities. Alliant provides ongoing compliance training for staff and governing board members including effective lines of communication, standards of conduct and ethics, as well as reporting and investigation of compliance-related issues. For more information about Alliant’s compliance program, you may contact the Alliant Compliance Officer at
Our Board
Ralph Atkinson, MD
Phillip Hill
Julia Mikell, MD
John Young
Alliant Governing Body Information
Governance: Alliant Health Solutions is managed and directed by a board of directors consisting of no less than nine (9) persons. The term of office for each director is three (3) years. No director may serve more than two consecutive three-year terms without an intervening break in service of at least one (1) year. Appointments are made annually at the end of a term of office for a director or in the event of a vacancy. A maximum of forty (40) percent of the governing body is appointed in a given year. Meetings are held on a quarterly basis.
Directors are compensated quarterly based on their role on the board (such as chair or other officer), and their participation and positions on various board committees. The quarterly total compensation fees range from $1,000 to $1,500, and cover time spent in the meeting, meeting preparation, and travel time. Directors are not additionally compensated for time spent on other business of the company. Board members are also reimbursed for their actual travel expenses, such as mileage or airfare.
Affiliations: No member of the Alliant Board of Directors is affiliated with Alliant Health Solutions or its subsidiaries in any capacity, other than their board service.