HQIC LAN: How to Rebuild, Reengage and Reenergize Your Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) | July 25, 2023

July 25, 2023
1pm ET | 12pm CT
for Hospital/Pharmacy/Home Health Staff

In recent months, hospitals have begun to reengage their Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs) after the adverse impact that the COIVD-19 pandemic had on their healthcare systems, including the ability to have in-person PFAC meetings. As a result, some hospital PFACs are even better and stronger than ever before. Wills Memorial Hospital, a 25-bed critical access hospital (CAH) located in Washington, GA will present on the rebuilding and reenergizing of their PFAC, identifying and prioritizing several key areas of concern, and implementing projects based on greatest need.

Audience: Patient and family advisory council leads, quality and patient safety professionals, clinical team members, leadership