Leadership Lesson – December 2021: Words of advice from leaders on the front lines.

December 1, 2021

This month’s leadership lesson is from Danyce Seney, AHS Nursing Home Co- Lead.

Resilience Rounding 
Last month, Alliant Health Solutions and Planetree International released a new resilience rounding tool for leaders following our Learning and Action Network event on resilience, endurance and supporting staff through the holidays. Studer Group’s Must Haves SM Video Series Facilitation Guide, Volume 1: Rounding for Outcomes provides a framework for rounding that includes: 

  1. Establishing rounding times on a calendar. 
  2. Capturing wins with instant recognition via e-mail. 
  3. Rounding with specific goals in mind. 
  4. Eliminating excuses by creating organization-wide “no meeting times” for rounding. 
  5. Using a rounding log (e.g., Resiliency Rounding Tool to hardwire rounding follow-up). 

Click here for more information on rounding for outcomes.  

As you establish your rounding strategy this holiday season, remember to include a rounding schedule for you and your leadership team that allows your team leaders to ask you the resiliency rounding questions. Self-care and inclusion of your leadership team on your rounding schedule can help you and your leadership team maintain the energy, focus or drive to continue as we close out 2021 and transition to a new year.