HQIC Infection Prevention Chats | April 26, 2023

April 26, 2023
2pm ET | 1pm CT
for Hospital/Pharmacy/Home Health Staff

IP Chats are quarterly networking events to build knowledge, share experience and provide support for hospital infection preventionists. Have questions or ideas for content? Contact Amy Ward at Amy.Ward@Allianthealth.org.

Alliant HQIC developed a series of bite-sized learnings to assist hospital infection preventionists with some of their most frequently asked questions regarding the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) database. Topics include:

• NHSN New User Introduction
• Adding, Assigning Rights and Deactivating Users in NHSN
• Location Mapping and NHSN Training
• NHSN Annual Survey and Monthly Reporting Plans
• LabID Reporting