Partnership for Community Health

CLAS Assessment Form
CLAS is defined as services that are respectful of and responsive to individual cultural health beliefs, and practices, preferred languages, health literacy levels and communication needs. The CLAS standards provide a guideline with actions steps and strategies to address and eliminate health care disparities. Adopting these standards will help advance better health and health care in the U.S.
The purpose of this assessment is to help your organization evaluate its current status as it relates to CLAS.
Through our long term care and Partnerships for Community Health work, the Alliant team leads community-based efforts to increase the safety and quality of health care provided in local communities and to reduce the burden associated with achieving that quality. Partnering with providers in each participating community, we drive specific, results-oriented quality improvement by engaging key stakeholders in community health to work together toward a common goal across settings and levels of care with a focus on improving community-based care transitions. We connect health care providers and community-based organizations and support the CMS Quality Goals with innovative, evidence-based, data-driven interventions that maximize meaningful patient and family engagement and address the social determinants of health.

Care Coordination
- Convene community coalitions
- Reduce avoidable readmissions, admissions to hospitals and preventable emergency department visits
- Identify and promote optimal care for super utilizers

Chronic Disease Self-Management
- Increase instances of adequately diagnosed and controlled hypertension.
- Increase use of cardiac rehabilitation programs.
- Reduce instances of uncontrolled diabetes
- Identify patients at high risk for kidney disease and improve outcomes

- Support nursing homes by establishing a safe visitor policy and cohort plan
- Provide virtual events to support infection control and prevention
- Support nursing homes and community coalitions with emergency preparedness plans

Emergency Preparedness
- Essential aspect of ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals during times of crisis

- Increase influenza, pneumococcal and COVID-19 vaccination rates

Opioid Utilization and Misuse
- Promote opioid best practices
- Reduce opioid adverse drug events in all settings
- Stigma
General Resources
Health Equity Resources
Upcoming Events
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