by Maya Labat | Jun 26, 2023
In recent months, hospitals have begun to reengage their Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs) after the adverse impact that the COIVD-19 pandemic had on their healthcare systems, including the ability to have in-person PFAC meetings. As a result, some hospital...
by Maya Labat | May 30, 2023
OVERVIEW: This webinar is designed to increase national and international awareness and importance of fall prevention, and, specifically to provide guidance and resources to clinical, administrative, quality and safety improvement professionals to add precision to the...
by Maya Labat | May 15, 2023
Join this live event to learn how the Alliant Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC) program has improved patient safety and outcomes for our 147 enrolled hospitals to date. This event will focus on improving sepsis bundle compliance and decreasing sepsis...
by Maya Labat | May 2, 2023