Behavioral Health

The 2020 Statement of Work requires all 18 ESRD Networks to actively work to:

  • Increase the percentage of patients accurately screened for depression by 75% by April 2025.
  • Achieve a 50% increase in the subset of patients identified as having depression who have been treated by a mental health professional by April 2025.


To book an appointment related to any Quality Improvement, click here.


Patient Resources:

Out of Balance – English | Spanish

Do I Need Help

A “New Normal”: Life on Dialysis–The First 90 Days

Getting Back to Me: A Goal-Setting Journey


Provider Resources:

A Change Package to Improve Screening and Referral for Depression

Depression Tool Kit

NCCN Distress Thermometer and Problem List for Patients

NCC Feelings Flashcards

Delirium Toolkit

Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Workflows for Dialysis Centers