Families who have lost loved ones to vaccine preventable diseases, including COVID-19, have joined together to promote vaccines, specifically COVID-19 vaccines. This website is easy to navigate; provides links to reliable resources; provides easy to understand...
While the initiative is part of an established collaboration between Black barbershops and public health helmed by Stephen Thomas, PhD, it’s also one of the many efforts aimed at increasing COVID vaccine uptake among Black people. Thomas is the director of the...
Includes information as it relates to the narrative that Black people aren’t willing to get the vaccine, but some are of the view the real issue was the lack of investment in vaccine distribution in Black communities.
The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) has launched a new online COVID-19 vaccine search tool called VaccineFinder to help Americans find which vaccine providers in their area have COVID-19 vaccines in stock. Alliant Quality has created a flyer to help...