Infographic Toolkit COVID/Flu/Chronic Conditions by Maya Labat | Oct 2, 2020The National Foundation for Infectious Disease has created a great toolkit of infographics for providers and patients around the effects of COVID, Influenza, or both of those with chronic conditions.
June Shop Talk: Data Submission into the NHSN COVID-19 Module Infection Prevention “Surveillance, Tracking and Reporting” (STAR) Facilities by Maya Labat | Oct 2, 2020
July Shop Talk: Shop Talk For Data Submission into the NHSN COVID-19 Module Infection Prevention “Surveillance, Tracking and Reporting” (STAR) Facilities by Maya Labat | Oct 2, 2020
August Shop Talk: Data Submission into the NHSN COVID-19 Module Infection Prevention “Surveillance, Tracking and Reporting“ (STAR) Facilities by Maya Labat | Oct 2, 2020