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Showing 72 Results

Chronic Disease Self Management

The Georgia Diabetes Coalition (GDC) presents Diabetes Education and Awareness

Find out how you can prevent and treat diabetes through lifestyle change programs using diet and exercise. Also, learn what pre-diabetes, A1C and testing numbers mean to you. Presented by partners in the Healthcare and APEX Partners Care (HAP) Project led by Dr. Lora Battle Bailey, EdCauses, Dan Moore and the APEX Museum. This project […]

Chronic Disease Self Management

Are you part of the 33% Kidney Quiz?

33% of adults in the U.S. are at risk for kidney disease, but most of them don’t know it. Having kidney disease also puts you at an increased risk of developing life-threatening complications from COVID-19. Take a minute to find out if you’re in the 33%. Just one minute might save your life.

This event has passed.

Diabetes Education & Awareness

Find out how you can prevent and treat diabetes through lifestyle change programs using diet and exercise. Also, learn what pre-diabetes, A1C and testing numbers mean to you.

November 20, 2020, 11 - 11:30 a.m. ET