As we embark on the Hospital Quality Improvement Contract (HQIC), the latest CMS quality initiative, we are once again reminded of the importance of leadership when it comes to achieving success. A talented and passionate individual can only go so far without the enthusiastic support of supervisors, managers, and directors. The COVID-19 pandemic has added […]
This month’s leadership lesson is from Pauline Kinney, RN, MA, LNHA, Senior Director of Healthcare Quality Improvement. As a leader in health care charged with keeping residents and staff safe, COVID-19 has brought many challenges. Although the rapid development of the COVID-19 vaccine is a positive development, it’s important to consider how to best operationalize […]
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Disease, more than 37 million American adults may have chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease means your kidneys are damaged and can’t filter blood the way they should. The disease is called “chronic” because the damage to your kidneys happens slowly over a long period of […]
End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Network 8, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated in Jackson, Mississippi, and providing services on behalf of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to kidney patients and their providers since 1988. The Network merged with the Alliant family of companies in 2012, and maintains a partnership with ESRD […]
This month’s leadership lesson is from Jeana Partington, MS, BSN, RN, CPHQ, CPPS, Program Director at Alliant Quality, the quality improvement group of Alliant Health Solutions, the QIN-QIO for Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Tennessee. For many of us, 2020 was a year like none other. We lost many of our favorite […]
In 2019, there were 423,997 children in foster care, with the average age of the child being 8 years old. Although they make up only 3% of the Medicaid population under age 18, children in foster care account for 32% of the recipients of behavioral health care services in this age group and it is […]
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, there has been a 2600% increase in use of telemedicine, resulting in 34.5 million visits. According to a technical brief from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, there is sufficient evidence to support the effectiveness of telehealth for specific uses with some types of patients, including psychotherapy and other […]
We know 2020 has been a challenging year, and there’s still a lot of work ahead. But 2020 has also shown us that when we work together, we can make health care better! Take a look at our year-end recap video and some of the ways we can collaborate to improve care.
This month’s leadership lesson is from JoVonn Givens, MPH, Task Order Director at Alliant Quality, the quality improvement group of Alliant Health Solutions, the QIN-QIO for Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Tennessee. I’ve been thinking a lot about my friends and colleagues working tirelessly during this pandemic to safely care for residents […]