HQIC IP Chats | Feb. 9, 2022
HQIC Monthly Office Hours – Infection Prevention (IP) Chats | June 22, 2022
IP Chats are monthly networking events to build knowledge, share experience, and provide support for hospital infection preventionists.
Please register for each event individually.
HQIC Monthly Office Hours – Infection Prevention (IP) Chats | July 27, 2022
IP Chats are monthly networking events to build knowledge, share experience, and provide support for hospital infection preventionists.
Please register for each event individually.
HQIC Monthly Office Hours – Infection Prevention (IP) Chats | Aug. 24, 2022
IP Chats are monthly networking events to build knowledge, share experience, and provide support for hospital infection preventionists.
Please register for each event individually.
HQIC Monthly Office Hours – Infection Prevention (IP) Chats | Sept. 28, 2022
IP Chats are monthly networking events to build knowledge, share experience, and provide support for hospital infection preventionists.
Please register for each event individually
HQIC Monthly Office Hours – Infection Prevention (IP) Chats | Oct. 26, 2022
IP Chats are monthly networking events to build knowledge, share experience, and provide support for hospital infection preventionists.
Please register for each event individually.
HQIC Infection Prevention Chats | April 26, 2023
IP Chats are quarterly networking events to build knowledge, share experience and provide support for hospital infection preventionists. Have questions or ideas for content? Contact Amy Ward at
Alliant HQIC developed a series of bite-sized learnings to assist hospital infection preventionists with some of their most frequently asked questions regarding the National Healthcare Safety Network […]
HQIC Infection Prevention Chats | July 26, 2023
Our Office Hours-IP Chats are quarterly networking events to build knowledge, share experience and provide support for hospital infection preventionists.
Have questions or ideas for content, please contact Amy Ward at
HQIC Health Equity Planning Office Hours – October 19, 2023
Interested in networking with peers and learning about the health equity regulatory requirements and best ways to implement at your hospital? Join our subject matter experts from Alliant Health Solutions and Tift Regional Medical Center for monthly interactive office hours.
Office hours are participant driven and without slide presentations. Discussions will focus on the six health […]
HQIC Infection Prevention Chats | October 25, 2023
Our Office Hours-IP Chats are quarterly networking events to build knowledge, share experience and provide support for hospital infection preventionists.
Have questions or ideas for content, please contact Amy Ward at